too old for retrieving images. we must move forward to todays news!
This adorable little monster is my cat Ulee (OO-lee). He’s a rescue cat that I got when I was having a hard time with mental health about 2 years ago here in Norfolk. At the time, I thought that maybe some kind of emotional support animal would be good for my health.
Now, some people might say that it’s not a good idea to get an animal when you’re in that kind of place. And for the most part, I agree. I wouldn’t advise dumping your sadnesses and stuff like that on an animal. It’s really not fair to them and there’s not much that they can actually even do to help right?
Even if the reason for getting him might not have been the best, he’s one of the best things that has happened to me in the past couple of years. Even if he couldn’t do anything to help solve the root of my problems, having him around was, and continues to be, so nice!
He’s been such a great little friend for the past 2 years. He’s feisty, crazy, clumsy, and all sorts of energetic. I thought that as he grew older out of his young kitty cat phase he would slow down, and while it’s true a little bit sometimes, he still as crazy as he was when I first got him. he cries a lot in the middle of the night and always makes stuff fall off of tables and shelves. And while I took a little while to get used to, and it frustrated a lot of the people that I’ve lived with, I think him and I have a really good matching personality. I have a feeling that other owners might not like him as much because he’s too crazy you know? But I think that this is one of the things that makes our bond special.
Anyways, here’s a bunch of pictures of me and my boy in the past 2 years. I think he turns 4 around Thanksgiving. I don’t know for sure since he’s a rescue, so that’s usually when I celebrate.
This blog won’t feature him very often, mostly because I don’t take him out on adventures with me much (although below I have a picture of him riding a bike 😅). I tried my best to make him an adventure cat, but in the end he just feels more comfortable and happy and crazy in the safety of his house.
In the future, maybe after I buy a house, I can get an adventure dog instead. But no matter what happens he is, and always will be, my boi 😊.